Purchase Domain Names from under $12.00
What is a domain name? Are there any rules for registering a domain names? How do I pay for a domain name registration? How do I find out if the domain name I want is available? What are registrants, registrars, and registries? Who should register a domain name? How do I create an account?
Which domain name extensions (TLDs) can be registered through my account? How do I register a domain name? How long does it take to register a domain name? What can I do if the domain name I want has already been registered? Can I register multiple domain names at one time? How do I delete a domain name registration? How do I renew my domain name registration? Can I renew multiple registrations at one time? How do I renew an expired domain name registration? What is the Redemption Period? How do I transfer my domain name registration from another registrar? Why did my registration transfer request get declined? Can I transfer multiple domain name registrations at one time? How do I transfer my domain name registration away to another registrar? How do I transfer my domain name registration to another registrant?
Who has access to modify a domain name or account? How do I modify my account information? How do I modify my domain registration WhoIS information? Who do I list as the contacts on the registration? How do I set the auto-renewal option for my registrations? How can I avoid having to re-enter my credit card information all the time? How can I update my default account payment information? What does the registration lock feature do? How can I lock/unlock my domain name registration? Can I change the expiration date of my registrations so they expire at the same time?
Who has access to modify a domain name or account? What are name servers and why do I need them? How do I modify the DNS information for my domain name? Can I modify the DNS information for more than one domain name at a time? How do I register a name server? How do I modify a name server's host name or IP address? How do I delete a name server?
Last Modified : 06/14/10 08:13 PM